At QDT Dental, we offer high quality dental fillings that can restore your smile and help you achieve the look you want. Our team of experienced dentists will work with you to determine the best option for your needs and provide you with the highest quality of care. We have a range of dental fillings to choose from, all designed to help restore your oral health and give you the smile you deserve.
When it comes to dental fillings, we understand that everyone’s needs are different. Our team of experienced dentists will take the time to get to know you and your needs, so that we can provide you with the best care possible. We will provide a detailed assessment of your oral health and work with you to create a tailored plan that meets your needs.
At QDT Dental, our team is committed to providing you with long lasting results. Our dental fillings are designed to last for years, giving you peace of mind that your smile is in good hands. We use only the highest quality materials and techniques to ensure that your dental fillings are strong and durable, so that you can enjoy your results for years to come.
When a tooth is damaged by decay or trauma a filling is placed to restore it. When a tooth requires a filling, the dentist modifies the shape of the tooth by removing the dental decay. The affected area is then cleaned and refilled with a type of filling material. This bonded material helps to restore the tooth back to its original shape and function.Your dentist will work with you to determine which of the many varieties of filling material is best for you. Many factors determine what should be used such as extent of repair, location or cost. We will elaborate on each filling materials below: