QDT Dental offers solutions to relieve pain associated with TMJ (temporal-mandibular joint). Our team of experienced dentists and specialists are committed to providing quality, personalized care to help you find relief. We use the most advanced techniques and technology to diagnose and treat TMJ-related pain, helping to restore your jaw health and function.
At QDT Dental, our top priority is your comfort. We understand the discomfort associated with TMJ and strive to provide compassionate care that puts your needs first. We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure a comfortable and effective treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
Our team at QDT Dental will work with you to create a comprehensive care plan for your TMJ pain. We will discuss your symptoms, medical history, and any potential treatment options with you to create a unique plan that fits your individual needs. With our experienced team of dentists and specialists, we provide the highest level of care and expertise to ensure that you get the relief you need.
TMJ stands for temporal-mandibular joint. Temporal, as in temple area of skull; mandibular as in mandible, or lower jaw; joint as in where the head and jaw connect. People experience problems in this joint from misalignment of the teeth, trauma, or excessive muscle tension. Five muscles meet in this area along with two bones with supporting cartilage. Problems in this area can result in pain, discomfort and even difficulties biting or speaking.
There are many options for treatment including replacing missing teeth, moving teeth, or bite adjustments. Mouthguards and nightguards aid in prevention of clenching and grinding which affects the muscles. Every person is different and therefore with TMJ issues we sometimes have to do trial and error to see what works best to alleviate symptoms. In severe cases if relief can be obtained from adjustments or a guard surgery may be required to repair a badly damaged joint.